Blue Lady 100 ML
Blue Lady is a refreshing, non-alcoholic perfumed spray that evokes a sense of luxury and sophistication. Its delicate notes of rose and bergamot combine to create an irresistible aroma that will make you feel like royalty. Its light and airy scent lingers for hours and can bring out the best...
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- Blue Lady is a refreshing, non-alcoholic perfumed spray that evokes a sense of luxury and sophistication. Its delicate notes of rose and bergamot combine to create an irresistible aroma that will make you feel like royalty. Its light and airy scent lingers for hours and can bring out the best in any outfit or occasion.
- Pan India Shipping.
- Price Inclusive Of All Taxes
Country of Origin : India
Packed By: Virgin Fragrances L.L.P
6, Amaan Est, Chinchoti (E), Dist, Palghar-401208, Maharashtra
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154 g |