Freshia 9.9ML
Discover the essence of luxury with Al-Nuaim's exclusive range of Attar, also known as Ittar. Our fragrant perfume oils boast the highest concentration of fragrance, delivering a long-lasting and powerful scent experience. Perfect for those with sensitive skin, our premium-grade Attars are 100% pure and free from alcohol or any additives. This ensures a lasting and potent fragrance, far superior to any traditional perfume spray.
Why Choose Al-Nuaim Attars?
100% Pure Non-Alcoholic Attar: Experience the true essence of natural fragrances without any harsh chemicals or alcohol.
Size: 9.9ML
Pan India Shipping: Enjoy our exquisite Attars delivered right to your doorstep, anywhere in India.
Price Inclusive of All Taxes: No hidden costs. The price you see is the price you pay.
Elevate your fragrance game with Al-Nuaim Attars and embrace the timeless allure of oriental perfumes.